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The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council have issued another top-level design to promote the full chain development of hydrogen energy production, storage, transportation, and use

Release time:2024.08.12

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On August 11th, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Comprehensive Green Transformation of Economic and Social Development" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"). This is the first systematic deployment at the central level to accelerate the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. The Opinion proposes to vigorously develop non fossil energy. Actively developing distributed photovoltaics and decentralized wind power, developing new energy sources such as biomass energy, geothermal energy, and ocean energy according to local conditions, and promoting the full chain development of hydrogen energy production, storage, transportation, and use.

The country will release top-level design documents again. The person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission stated in response to a reporter's question that the "Opinions" are the top-level design document for accelerating the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. The Opinion focuses on five major areas, including building a green, low-carbon, and high-quality development spatial pattern, accelerating the green and low-carbon transformation of industrial structure, steadily promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of energy, transportation, and urban-rural development, as well as implementing a comprehensive conservation strategy, promoting the green transformation of consumption patterns, and leveraging technological innovation support. It deploys efforts to accelerate the formation of a spatial pattern, industrial structure, production mode, and lifestyle that saves resources and protects the environment.

The Opinion proposes a series of goals: by 2030, the scale of energy conservation and environmental protection industry will reach about 15 trillion yuan; Increase the proportion of non fossil energy consumption to around 25%; The carbon emission intensity of operating transportation vehicles in terms of unit turnover has decreased by about 9.5% compared to 2020; The annual utilization of bulk solid waste reaches about 4.5 billion tons.


Regarding hydrogen energy, the "Opinions" propose to promote the development of the entire chain of hydrogen energy "production, storage, and utilization", improve the standards of the entire chain, and improve the construction of hydrogenation (alcohol) stations. The specific content is as follows.

(7) Vigorously develop non fossil energy. Accelerate the construction of clean energy bases such as northwest wind and photovoltaic power, southwest hydropower, offshore wind power, and coastal nuclear power, actively develop distributed photovoltaics and decentralized wind power, develop new energy such as biomass energy, geothermal energy, and ocean energy according to local conditions, and promote the full chain development of hydrogen energy production, storage, transportation, and use. Coordinate hydropower development and ecological protection, and promote the integrated development of water, wind, and solar energy. Actively developing nuclear power in a safe and orderly manner, maintaining a reasonable layout and a stable pace of construction. By 2030, the proportion of non fossil energy consumption will increase to around 25%.

(10) Building green transportation infrastructure. Enhance the green and intelligent level of newly built stations, airports, docks, and highways, promote the energy-saving and carbon reduction transformation of existing transportation infrastructure, build a number of low-carbon (near zero carbon) stations, airports, docks, and highway service areas, and develop photovoltaics along highways according to local conditions. Improve the infrastructure network of charging (swapping) stations, hydrogenation (alcohol) stations, shore power, etc., and accelerate the construction of urban intelligent transportation management systems. Improve the urban-rural logistics distribution system and promote the green and intelligent transformation of distribution methods. Deeply implement the strategy of prioritizing the development of urban public transportation and improve the level of public transportation services. Strengthen the construction of urban slow traffic systems such as pedestrian walkways and bicycle lanes.

(29) Establish a green development standard system. Establish a carbon peak and carbon neutrality standard system, promote the formulation and revision of basic universal standards and carbon reduction and removal related standards, and develop standards for enterprise carbon emissions and product carbon footprint accounting, reporting, verification, etc. Accelerate the updating and upgrading of energy-saving standards, increase the energy consumption limit requirements for key products, and expand the coverage of energy consumption limit standards. Improve the standard system for renewable energy and industrial green low-carbon standards, and establish and improve the standards for hydrogen energy production, storage, transportation, and use.

The full text is as follows.

Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Accelerating the Comprehensive Green Transformation of Economic and Social Development

(July 31, 2024)

Promoting green and low-carbon economic and social development is an important symbol of the new concept and practice of the Party's governance in the new era, a key link in achieving high-quality development, a fundamental strategy for solving China's resource, environmental, and ecological problems, and an inherent requirement for building a modern society of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. To accelerate the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, the following opinions are proposed.

1、 Overall requirements


In work, it is necessary to achieve:

——Persist in comprehensive transformation. Firmly establish the concept that green mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets, integrate the requirements of green transformation into the overall economic and social development, promote green transformation in all aspects, fields, and regions, and build a community of shared life between humans and nature.

——Persist in collaborative transformation. Fully consider the development reality of different regions and industries, adhere to the combination of coordinated promotion and key breakthroughs, scientifically set a timetable, roadmap, and construction plan for green transformation, and encourage regions and industries with conditions to explore ahead.

——Persist in innovation and transformation. Strengthen technological innovation, policy and institutional innovation, and business model innovation to support green transformation, promote the green and low-carbon technological revolution, develop new quality productive forces according to local conditions, improve the ecological civilization institutional system, and provide stronger innovation momentum and institutional guarantees for green transformation.

——Persist in safe transformation. We should coordinate the relationship between development and emission reduction, overall and local, current and long-term, government and market, properly prevent and resolve internal and external risks and challenges faced by green transformation, effectively ensure food and energy security, industrial chain and supply chain security, and better safeguard the production and life of the people.

The main goals are: by 2030, positive progress will be made in the green transformation of key areas, green production and lifestyle will be basically formed, the collaborative ability of pollution reduction and carbon reduction will be significantly enhanced, the efficiency of major resource utilization will be further improved, the policy and standard system supporting green development will be more perfect, and significant results will be achieved in the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. By 2035, a green, low-carbon, and circular development economic system will be basically established, green production and lifestyle will be widely formed, significant progress will be made in reducing pollution and carbon emissions, and the efficiency of major resource utilization will reach the international advanced level. Economic and social development will fully enter the green and low-carbon track, and carbon emissions will steadily decrease after reaching peak. The goal of a beautiful China will be basically achieved.

2、 Building a green, low-carbon, and high-quality development spatial pattern

(1) Optimize the pattern of national spatial development and protection. Establish a nationally unified, clearly defined, scientifically efficient national spatial planning system, strictly adhere to the three control lines of arable land and permanent basic farmland, ecological protection red lines, and urban development boundaries, and optimize various spatial layouts. Establish a sound institutional system for the main functional areas, promote comprehensive layout of main functions, refine the division of main functional areas, and improve differentiated policies. Accelerate the construction of a natural protected area system with national parks as the main body, nature reserves as the foundation, and various natural parks as supplements. Strengthen the zoning and control of ecological environment. Establish a sound system for the development and protection of marine resources, systematically plan for marine development and utilization, and promote coordinated sustainable development between land and sea.

(2) Build a highland for green development. Strengthen regional cooperation in green development, coordinate and promote coordinated development and transformation, and create a growth pole and driving force for green, low-carbon, and high-quality development. Promote the coordinated development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, improve the mechanism for coordinated protection of ecological environment, and support the construction of Xiong'an New Area as a model of green development city. Continuously promote the joint protection of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and explore new paths for ecological priority and green development. Deepen the construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area and the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, and create a world-class green and low-carbon industrial cluster. Promote the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port, ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin. Building a Beautiful China Pilot Zone. Continuously increase support for the green transformation of resource-based areas and revolutionary old areas, and cultivate and develop green and low-carbon industries.

3、 Accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of industrial structure

(3) Promote the green and low-carbon transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. Vigorously promote the green and low-carbon transformation of industries such as steel, non-ferrous metals, petrochemicals, chemicals, building materials, papermaking, printing and dyeing, promote energy-saving, low-carbon, and clean production technology and equipment, and advance the upgrading of process flow. Optimize the scale and layout of production capacity, continuously update binding standards such as land, environment, energy efficiency, water efficiency, and carbon emissions, lead the optimization and upgrading of traditional industries with the improvement of national standards, and establish a sound mechanism for capacity exit. Reasonably raise the resource and environmental access threshold for new construction, renovation, and expansion projects, and resolutely curb the blind implementation of high energy consuming, high emission, and low-level projects.

(4) Vigorously develop green and low-carbon industries. Accelerate the development of strategic emerging industries, establish green manufacturing and service systems, and continuously increase the proportion of green and low-carbon industries in the total economic output. Accelerate the cultivation of competitive green and low-carbon enterprises, and create a group of leading enterprises and specialized and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises. Vigorously promote models such as contract energy management, contract water-saving management, third-party environmental pollution control, and environmental management services guided by environmental governance effectiveness. Promote the high-quality development of cultural industries and promote the deep integration of culture and tourism. Actively encourage the accelerated development of green and low-carbon oriented new industries, new formats, and new business models. By 2030, the scale of the energy-saving and environmental protection industry will reach around 15 trillion yuan.

(5) Accelerate the coordinated transformation and development of digitalization, greening, and collaboration. Promote the deep integration of industrial digital intelligence and greening, deepen the application of artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, industrial Internet, etc. in the fields of power system, industrial and agricultural production, transportation, building construction and operation, and realize the green transformation of digital technology empowerment. Promote various users to go to the cloud, use data, and empower intelligence, and support enterprises to transform and enhance traditional industries with digital and green technologies. Promote the construction of green and low-carbon digital infrastructure, advance the energy-saving and carbon reduction transformation of existing facilities, and gradually phase out "old and scattered" facilities. Guide digital technology enterprises to develop green and low-carbon, and assist upstream and downstream enterprises in improving their carbon reduction capabilities. Explore the establishment of an efficient monitoring, proactive warning, scientific analysis, and intelligent decision-making system for environmental pollution and meteorological disasters. Promote the construction of real-life 3D China and empower the application of spatiotemporal information.

4、 Safely promote the green and low-carbon transformation of energy

(6) Strengthen the clean and efficient utilization of fossil fuels. Strengthen the construction of the energy production, supply, storage, and sales system, adhere to the principle of first establishing and then breaking, promote the safe, reliable, and orderly replacement of fossil energy with non fossil energy, continuously optimize the energy structure, and accelerate the planning and construction of a new energy system. Resolutely control the consumption of fossil fuels, deeply promote the clean and efficient utilization of coal, strictly and reasonably control the growth of coal consumption during the 14th Five Year Plan period, gradually reduce it in the next five years, and continue to implement total coal consumption control in key areas while ensuring energy security supply, actively and orderly promoting the substitution of loose coal. Accelerate the energy-saving and carbon reduction transformation, flexibility transformation, and heating transformation of existing coal-fired power units, and plan and construct the necessary regulatory and supportive coal-fired power plants to ensure the safety of the power system in a reasonable manner. Intensify the exploration and development of oil and gas resources, increase reserves and production, and accelerate the integration of oil and gas exploration and development with new energy. Promote the construction of carbon dioxide capture, utilization, and storage projects.

(7) Vigorously develop non fossil energy. Accelerate the construction of clean energy bases such as northwest wind and photovoltaic power, southwest hydropower, offshore wind power, and coastal nuclear power, actively develop distributed photovoltaics and decentralized wind power, develop new energy such as biomass energy, geothermal energy, and ocean energy according to local conditions, and promote the full chain development of hydrogen energy production, storage, transportation, and use. Coordinate hydropower development and ecological protection, and promote the integrated development of water, wind, and solar energy. Actively developing nuclear power in a safe and orderly manner, maintaining a reasonable layout and a stable pace of construction. By 2030, the proportion of non fossil energy consumption will increase to around 25%.

(8) Accelerate the construction of a new type of power system. Strengthen the coordination and integration of clean energy bases, regulatory resources, and transmission channels in terms of scale capacity, spatial layout, and construction pace, encourage the layout of natural gas peak shaving power stations in areas where gas sources are available and gas prices are affordable, scientifically layout pumped storage, new energy storage, and solar thermal power generation, and enhance the safe operation and comprehensive regulation capabilities of the power system. Build a smart grid, accelerate the construction of microgrids, virtual power plants, and integrated projects of source grid load storage. Strengthen demand side management of electricity. Deepen the reform of the power system and further improve the institutional mechanisms that adapt to the new power system. By 2030, the installed capacity of pumped storage will exceed 120 million kilowatts.

5、 Promote the green transformation of transportation

(9) Optimize the transportation structure. Build a green and efficient transportation system, improve the national railway, highway, and water transportation networks, promote reasonable division of labor and effective connection between different transportation modes, reduce empty load rates and unreasonable passenger and freight turnover. Vigorously promote the development of "one unit system" and "one box system" for multimodal transportation, accelerate the construction of freight dedicated railways and high-grade inland waterway networks, promote the construction of railway dedicated lines for major ports, large industrial and mining enterprises, and logistics parks, increase the proportion of green collection and distribution, and continuously increase the proportion of railway and waterway transportation for bulk goods. Optimize civil aviation routes and improve the level of electrification and intelligence in airport operations.

(10) Building green transportation infrastructure. Enhance the green and intelligent level of newly built stations, airports, docks, and highways, promote the energy-saving and carbon reduction transformation of existing transportation infrastructure, build a number of low-carbon (near zero carbon) stations, airports, docks, and highway service areas, and develop photovoltaics along highways according to local conditions. Improve the infrastructure network of charging (swapping) stations, hydrogenation (alcohol) stations, shore power, etc., and accelerate the construction of urban intelligent transportation management systems. Improve the urban-rural logistics distribution system and promote the green and intelligent transformation of distribution methods. Deeply implement the strategy of prioritizing the development of urban public transportation and improve the level of public transportation services. Strengthen the construction of urban slow traffic systems such as pedestrian walkways and bicycle lanes.

(11) Promote low-carbon transportation vehicles. Vigorously promote new energy vehicles and promote the electrification of urban public service vehicles as a substitute. Promote the adoption of clean power in ships, aircraft, non road mobile machinery, etc., accelerate the elimination of old transportation vehicles, promote zero emission freight transportation, strengthen the research and application of sustainable aviation fuels, and encourage the research, development, production, and application of net zero emission marine fuels. By 2030, the carbon emission intensity per unit of turnover of operating transportation vehicles will decrease by about 9.5% compared to 2020. By 2035, new energy vehicles will become the mainstream of new sales vehicles.

6、 Promote the green transformation of urban and rural construction and development

(12) Promote green planning and construction methods. Fully implement the requirements of green transformation in all aspects of urban and rural planning, construction, and governance. Advocate the concept of green and low-carbon planning and design, strictly adhere to the boundaries of urban development, control the rapid growth of new construction land, protect and restore ecological spaces such as green spaces, water bodies, and wetlands, and reasonably plan areas with concentrated noise sensitive buildings. Promote the construction of climate adaptive cities and enhance the climate resilience of urban and rural areas. Promote green construction methods, prioritize the use of green building materials, and deepen comprehensive control of dust pollution.

(13) Vigorously develop green and low-carbon buildings. Establish a building energy efficiency rating system. Enhance the proportion of star rated green buildings in newly constructed buildings and promote the large-scale development of ultra-low energy buildings. Accelerate the energy-saving, water-saving, and carbon reduction renovation of existing buildings and municipal infrastructure, and promote advanced and efficient lighting, air conditioning, elevators, and other equipment. Optimize the energy consumption structure of buildings, promote the integration of building photovoltaics, advance the application of "direct and flexible light storage" technology, and develop clean and low-carbon heating.

(14) Promote green development in agriculture and rural areas. Implement agricultural and rural emission reduction and carbon sequestration actions, optimize the planting and breeding structure, promote excellent crop and livestock breeds and green and efficient cultivation and breeding technologies, and promote the reduction and efficiency improvement of agricultural inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides. Establish and improve the collection, utilization, and treatment system for agricultural waste such as straw, agricultural film, pesticide packaging waste, and livestock manure, and strengthen the control of straw burning. Deepen the improvement of rural living environment and cultivate new industries and formats for green development in rural areas. Develop and utilize renewable energy according to local conditions, and promote clean heating in rural areas in an orderly manner.

7、 Implement a comprehensive cost saving strategy

(15) Vigorously promote energy conservation, carbon reduction, and efficiency improvement. High level and high-quality efforts will be made to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in key industries, and accelerate the upgrading of equipment and products. Build a carbon emission statistical accounting system, strengthen the energy conservation review of fixed assets investment projects, explore the carbon emission evaluation of projects, and strictly control the energy consumption and carbon emissions of new projects. Promote enterprises to establish and improve energy-saving and carbon reduction management mechanisms, promote the "diagnosis+transformation" model of energy-saving and carbon reduction, and strengthen energy-saving supervision.

(16) Strengthen resource conservation, intensive and efficient utilization. Improve the overall resource management and comprehensive conservation system, strengthen the full process management and full chain conservation of various resources such as water, food, land, and minerals. Implement the rigid constraint system for water resources, develop water-saving industries, strengthen the utilization of unconventional water sources, and build a water-saving society. Implement the Anti Food Waste Law, improve the long-term mechanism for food and food conservation, and carry out food conservation actions. Implement the strictest farmland protection system and land conservation and intensive use system, promote land saving technologies and models, optimize the development and utilization of existing land, and improve the efficiency of sea area space utilization. Strengthen the exploration, protection, and rational development of mineral resources, improve mining efficiency, and enhance the utilization of low-grade resources.

(17) Vigorously develop circular economy. Deepen the promotion of circular economy to support carbon reduction actions, promote resource recycling production models, vigorously develop the resource recycling industry, promote high-quality development of the remanufacturing industry, improve the quality of recycled materials and products, and expand the scale of substitution for primary resources. Promote the classification of household waste and improve the utilization rate of resources. Establish a sound waste recycling system, strengthen the ability to classify and recycle waste, and enhance the scale, standardization, and refinement of recycling. By 2030, the annual utilization of bulk solid waste will reach about 4.5 billion tons, and the output rate of major resources will increase by about 45% compared to 2020.

8、 Promote the green transformation of consumption patterns

(18) Promote a green lifestyle. Vigorously advocating for a simple, moderate, green, low-carbon, civilized and healthy lifestyle and consumption habits, integrating green concepts and conservation requirements into social norms such as citizen conventions, village rules and regulations, student codes of conduct, and group charters, enhancing the public's awareness of conservation, environmental protection, and ecology. We will carry out the Green and Low Carbon Action for All, guide the public to save water and electricity, oppose extravagance and waste, promote the "Clean Your Plate Campaign", resist excessive packaging, reduce the use of disposable goods, guide the public to give priority to green travel modes such as public transportation, walking, and cycling, widely carry out patriotic health campaigns, promote the solution of environmental problems around the masses such as noise, soot, and stench, and form a social atmosphere advocating ecological civilization.

(19) Increase the supply of green products. Guide enterprises to carry out green design, select green materials, promote green manufacturing, adopt green packaging, carry out green transportation, recycle resources, and reduce energy and resource consumption throughout the product lifecycle and ecological environment impact. Establish and improve standards and specifications for green product design, procurement, and manufacturing, strengthen the construction of green product certification and labeling systems, improve energy efficiency and water efficiency labeling systems, establish product carbon footprint management systems and product carbon labeling certification systems. Strengthen the certification management of green products and services, improve the regulatory mechanism of certification agencies, and cultivate green certification agencies with international influence.

(20) Actively expanding green consumption. Establish a sound incentive mechanism for green consumption. Optimize government green procurement policies, expand the scope and scale of green product procurement, and timely incorporate carbon footprint requirements into government procurement. Guide enterprises to implement green procurement guidelines, encourage eligible enterprises to establish green supply chains, and drive collaborative transformation between upstream and downstream enterprises. Support regions with conditions to encourage enterprises to adopt "trade in" and other methods to guide consumers to purchase green products through the issuance of consumption vouchers, green points, and other means. Carry out rural activities for new energy vehicles, green smart home appliances, water-saving appliances, energy-saving stoves, and green building materials, strengthen the construction of supporting facilities and after-sales service guarantee. Encourage users to expand their consumption of green energy.

9、 Give full play to the supporting role of technological innovation

(21) Strengthen applied basic research. Establish a mechanism for predicting, discovering, evaluating, and warning cutting-edge and disruptive technologies, moderately advance the layout of major national scientific research infrastructure, establish a number of national key laboratories and innovation platforms, implement a number of major national cutting-edge science and technology projects, focus on strengthening basic research in the application of green and low-carbon fields, and stimulate disruptive technological innovation. Innovate talent cultivation models, optimize the setting of disciplines and majors in universities, and solidify the intellectual foundation for green transformation.

(22) Accelerate the research and development of key technologies. Promote the self-reliance and self-improvement of green and low-carbon technology, make green transformation related technologies an important support direction for key projects in the national key research and development plan, focus on energy green and low-carbon transformation, low-carbon and zero carbon process reengineering, new power systems, carbon dioxide capture and utilization and storage, resource conservation and intensive and circular utilization, new pollutant treatment and other fields, and coordinate and strengthen key core technology research and development. Strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, support leading enterprises to take the lead in forming key core technology research and development consortia, increase funding for green and low-carbon technology research and development for small and medium-sized enterprises, and encourage all types of ownership enterprises to participate in relevant national science and technology plans.

(23) Carry out innovation demonstration and promotion. Give full play to the key leading role of innovation in green transformation. Carry out multi-level pilot projects to promote synergistic efficiency in reducing pollution and carbon emissions in key areas such as industry, energy, transportation, urban-rural development, and agriculture. Implement green and low-carbon advanced technology demonstration projects, accelerate the demonstration, application, and promotion of advanced and applicable technologies. Improve the evaluation, trading system, and technology innovation service platform for green and low-carbon technologies, explore business models that are conducive to the development of new industries and formats for green and low-carbon development, strengthen the creation, protection, and application of intellectual property rights for green and low-carbon technologies, and stimulate innovation vitality throughout society.

10、 Improve the policy system for green transformation

(24) Establish sound financial and tax policies for green transformation. Actively building a financial and tax policy system that is conducive to promoting green and low-carbon development and efficient resource utilization, supporting the construction of new energy systems, the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, green and low-carbon technological innovation, energy and resource conservation and intensive utilization, and the promotion of green and low-carbon lifestyles. Implement tax incentives for environmental protection, energy and water conservation, comprehensive utilization of resources, and new and clean energy vehicles and ships. Improve the green tax system, comprehensively promote the transformation of water resource fees into taxes, improve the environmental protection tax collection system, and study and support tax policies related to carbon emission reduction.

(25) Enrich green transformation financial tools. Extend the implementation period of carbon reduction support tools until the end of 2027. Research and develop transformation financial standards to provide reasonable and necessary financial support for the green and low-carbon transformation of traditional industries. Encourage banks to guide the green allocation of credit resources based on reasonable risk assessment, and where conditions permit, support the development of green credit through government financing guarantee institutions. Encourage local governments to reduce the cost of green bond financing through various means. Actively develop financial instruments such as green equity financing, green finance leasing, and green trusts, and orderly promote innovation in carbon finance products and derivative instruments. Develop green insurance and explore the establishment of a differentiated insurance premium rate mechanism.

(26) Optimize the investment mechanism for green transformation. Innovate and optimize investment mechanisms, encourage various types of capital to increase the proportion of investment in green and low-carbon fields. Central budget investment actively supports key projects in areas such as green and low-carbon advanced technology demonstration, energy conservation and carbon reduction in key industries, efficient resource recycling, and environmental infrastructure construction. Guide and regulate the participation of social capital in the investment, construction, and operation of green and low-carbon projects, and encourage social capital to establish green and low-carbon industry investment funds in a market-oriented manner. Support the issuance of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) in the infrastructure sector for green transformation related projects such as new energy and ecological environment protection that meet the conditions.

(27) Improve the pricing policy for green transformation. Deepen the reform of electricity prices, improve the pricing mechanism that encourages flexible power sources to participate in system regulation, implement the coal-fired power capacity pricing mechanism, study and establish a sound new energy storage pricing mechanism, improve the tiered pricing system and time of use pricing policy, and improve the tiered pricing system for high energy consuming industries. Improve the policy of tiered water pricing for residents, progressive pricing for non residential and special water exceeding quotas, and promote comprehensive reform of agricultural water pricing. Support local governments to improve their charging models, promote the reform of charging methods for household waste treatment, and establish incentive mechanisms for urban household waste classification and reduction.

(28) Establish a sound market-oriented mechanism for green transformation. Establish a sound market-oriented allocation system for resource and environmental factors, improve transaction system norms and supporting systems such as registration, transfer, assignment, and mortgage, and explore financing tools based on resource and environmental rights. Establish a sound horizontal ecological protection compensation mechanism and improve the mechanism for realizing the value of ecological products. Promote the construction of the national carbon emission trading market and the voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading market, improve regulations and systems, and timely and orderly expand the scope of the trading industry. Improve the trading system for green electricity certificates and strengthen policy coordination for market-oriented mechanisms such as green electricity, green certificates, and carbon trading.

(29) Establish a green development standard system. Establish a carbon peak and carbon neutrality standard system, promote the formulation and revision of basic universal standards and carbon reduction and removal related standards, and develop standards for enterprise carbon emissions and product carbon footprint accounting, reporting, verification, etc. Accelerate the updating and upgrading of energy-saving standards, increase the energy consumption limit requirements for key products, and expand the coverage of energy consumption limit standards. Improve the standard system for renewable energy and industrial green low-carbon standards, and establish and improve the standards for hydrogen energy production, storage, transportation, and use.

11、 Strengthen international cooperation in green transformation

(30) Participate in leading the global green transformation process. Adhering to the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, actively participating in the formulation of international rules in areas such as climate change, marine pollution control, biodiversity conservation, and plastic pollution control, and promoting the construction of a fair, reasonable, and win-win global environmental and climate governance system. Promote the implementation of global development initiatives, strengthen South South cooperation and cooperation with neighboring countries, and provide support to developing countries within our capabilities.

(31) Strengthen policy exchanges and practical cooperation. Expand channels for multilateral and bilateral dialogue and cooperation, strengthen the construction of multilateral cooperation platforms in the field of green development, vigorously promote the achievements of China's green transformation, and actively learn from international experience. Strengthen green investment and trade cooperation, promote the construction of the "Green Silk Road", deepen practical cooperation with relevant countries, improve the environmental sustainability of overseas projects, and encourage the import and export of green and low-carbon products. Strengthen cooperation in green technology, encourage academic exchanges between universities, research institutions, and foreign parties, and actively participate in international scientific projects. Strengthen international cooperation in green standards and qualification assessment, participate in the formulation and revision of relevant international standards, and promote mutual recognition with major trading partners in terms of carbon footprint and other rules.

12、 Organize and implement

(32) Adhere to and strengthen the comprehensive leadership of the Party. Under the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, accelerate the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, and implement the Party's leadership throughout the entire process and all aspects of work. Each region and department should clarify the key tasks of green transformation in their respective regions and departments, and implement this opinion in accordance with the actual situation. All relevant units, people's organizations, and social organizations should actively promote the green transformation work in their respective fields. The National Development and Reform Commission should strengthen overall coordination, establish a new mechanism for the comprehensive transformation from energy consumption dual control to carbon emission dual control in conjunction with relevant departments, formulate and implement a comprehensive evaluation and assessment system for carbon peak and carbon neutrality, scientifically carry out assessments, and strengthen the application of evaluation and assessment results. Timely report important situations to the Party Central Committee and the State Council according to procedures.

(33) Strengthen the guarantee of the rule of law. All relevant units should accelerate the formulation and revision of laws and regulations such as the Ecological Environment Code, Energy Law, Energy Conservation Law, Electricity Law, Coal Law, Renewable Energy Law, and Circular Economy Promotion Law, and study and formulate special laws to address climate change and achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality. Implement the green principles of the Civil Code, guide civil subjects to save energy and resources, and protect the ecological environment. Establish a sound mechanism for linking administrative law enforcement with criminal justice. Carry out ecological environment damage compensation litigation and public interest litigation in the field of ecological environment and resource protection in accordance with the law, and improve the mechanism for ecological environment damage compensation and restoration.
