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The Latest Industry Trends and Insights

The development achievements of the hydrogen energy industry have gathered, and AUYAN Green Energy has won two major awards

The development achievements of the hydrogen energy industry have gathered, and AUYAN Green Energy has won two major awards

On June 5th, with the joint support and guidance of relevant government departments and industry organizations, the 2024 China (Shandong) Hydrogen Energy Industry Development Confe···
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AUYAN Technology's 200Nm ³/h ALK hydrogen production equipment has passed CE testing, embarking on a new international journey

AUYAN Technology's 200Nm ³/h ALK hydrogen production equipment has passed CE testing, embarking on a new international journey

Recently, the 200Nm ³/h Alk water electrolysis hydrogen production equipment independently developed by AUYAN Technology has successfully passed the on-site testing of the five maj···
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Shandong Provincial Governor Zhou Naixiang inspected AUYAN Green Energy and conducted research on the development of new quality productivity

Shandong Provincial Governor Zhou Naixiang inspected AUYAN Green Energy and conducted research on the development of new quality productivity

Resolutely implement and accelerate the development of new quality productive forcesAccelerating the development of new quality productive forces is an objective requirement for li···
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AUYAN Green Energy Holds the 2023-2024 Business Work Conference

AUYAN Green Energy Holds the 2023-2024 Business Work Conference

Thethemeofthisconferenceis"FocusingontheGlobal,GreenEnergyEcology,LeanIntelligentManufacturing,andFirstClassQuality".Suwei, Chairman of AUYAN Green Energy, took the lead ···
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The Development Research Center of the Shandong Provincial Government and the Research Group of the Provincial Energy Bureau conducted research and guidance work at AUYAN Technology

The Development Research Center of the Shandong Provincial Government and the Research Group of the Provincial Energy Bureau conducted research and guidance work at AUYAN Technology

On February 9th, Ju Weiguang, Minister of the Macroeconomic Research Department of the Development Research Center of the Shandong Provincial Government, and his delegation conduct···
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